Wild Raspberry White Balsamic

Wild Raspberry White Balsamic

Regular price $6.50 Sale

A white balsamic made with barrel-aged Pinot Grigio white wine vinegar forms the base for the deep, luscious flavors of this unique product. The overall affect is a balanced acidity with subtle underlying sweetness. A flavoured White Balsamic Condimento that is light, tart, bright, and tangy – with a sumptuous raspberry flavour that is sure to complement a variety of dishes year-round.

Oil Pairings:

Basil, Blood Orange, Lemon, Lime, Roasted Walnut, Rosemary


  • brush over beets or parsnips to roast/grill
  • marinate pork, chicken – even salmon or beef!
  • makes the best fall salad dressing!
  • flavour your soda water, lemonade or mocktails
  • enhance sauces or jams