Oil & Vinegar Rewards Program

Attention Online Shoppers, our new Rewards Program is up and running! We needed to upgrade the program we were using to track and reward points in order to award points that could be used both in-store and online. This meant we needed to shift to a whole new way of calculating points. Here are the main changes:

  • Points are no longer awarded per bottle size.
  • Points are awarded on every dollar spent on oils and vinegars.

To make this change, we have conducted the necessary calculations to bring all existing points up to date in the new system. Your points amounts may look different than they used to - but be assured we have taken care to make sure they are all there. And we are pleased that this change means that our shoppers can use points to shop however they like - in-store or online. So you can choose how you like to shop! 

Important: If you have shopped in-store or online using different email addresses, you may have more than one points account. To ensure your points are synchronized, please contact us during business hours at 204-326-6457 to request your in-store and online rewards points be merged.

As we learn about this new program along with you, we are excited to help any of our online customers who would enjoy shopping in-store merge their points. For any questions or concerns, please also contact us so we can help.

"Thank you for your continued patience while we work with a program that is new to us and make sure it results in a satisfying experience for our customers."
From staff at Prairie Oils & Vinegars
(updated: Apr. 3, 2024)


Earn FREE oils and vinegars with our Oil & Vinegar Rewards Program!

How to Earn Points: Purchase any oils and vinegars and earn 1 point per $1 on the amount spent on oils and vinegars within that order. Our earning/redemption ratio is equivalent to approximately 5% rewards accrual.

    Also watch for any available offers, like birthday vouchers, seasonal coupons, and more!

    How to Redeem Points: Log in using the Rewards icon on the bottom right-hand side of our website. Here you can view any available offers or points redemptions you have earned anytime. FREE oils and vinegars are earned in the following increments:

    • 150 points = $7 off your order of oils and vinegars (a FREE 60mL)
    • 250 points = $17 off your order of oils and vinegars (a FREE 200mL)
    • 400 points = $26 off your order of oils and vinegars (a FREE 375mL)
    • 700 points = $44 off your order of oils and vinegars (a FREE 750mL)

    NOTE: Shipping charges still apply to FREE product. FREE product excludes Gourmet Collection.

    Same Email = Synced Points

    Choose How You Like to Shop: Our Oil & Vinegar Rewards Program is the same in-store AND online so you can use your rewards points either way you shop. Points are synchronized and you can choose how you prefer to shop. Be sure to use the same email for both in-store and online shopping to make sure your rewards points will be synced!