Sweet Dessert Bread Dipper

1/2 c. Sweet Butter Olive Oil
2 Tbsp. Chocolate Balsamic
1 c. ricotta cheese
1/4 c. fresh strawberries, chopped
1/4 c. blueberries
1/4 c. fresh raspberries, chopped
1/4 c. fresh blackberries, chopped
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. fresh mint, chopped
pinch of cinnamon
Angel food cake, cinnamon bread or sweet milk bread, sliced

Drizzle Sweet Butter Olive Oil and Chocolate Balsamic onto a plate or flat bottomed bowl. Add the ricotta tot he plate spreading out slightly for easy dipping. Sprinkle and drizzle the entire plate with the strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, honey, mint and cinnamon. Serve with slices of cake or sweet bread for dipping, scooping or sopping.

Chef's Note: Try angel food cake, biscuits, cinnamon rolls or cinnamon raison bread, croissants, butter horns or milk bread. They provide the perfect canvas for dipping and scooping!

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