Raffald (Mac & Cheese)

Ingredients for Bechamel Sauce:
1 Tbsp. Butter Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. shallots, sliced
1/8 c. flour
2/3 c. milk

Rest of Ingredients:
227 g. Nature's Farm Pasta Macaroni, cooked until al dente
1 c. Bechamel sauce
1/4 c. medium Cheddar cheese
1/4 c. Gruyere cheese
1/4 c. Fontina cheese

Heat Butter Olive Oil over medium high heat. Add shallots and cook until lightly caramelized. Add flour and cook until browned to form a stiff roux. Add milk, while whisking to incorporate and continue until a full simmer is reached. Strain through a fine strainer.

Cook pasta according to package directions. Heat Bechamel in saucepan over medium heat. Add cheese and mix well.  Once cheese is fully incorporated into sauce, stir in pasta until fully mixed. 

*Raffald is the hundreds of years old name for macaroni and cheese, a recipe recorded by Elizabeth Raffald, a cookery writer from 1769.

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