With Christmas just around the corner, I know what you’re thinking... what am I going to serve the friends and family that will be visiting during the holidays?!
Maybe you’re like me, and you always want to try something new, but nothing too crazy... If that’s the case – you would LOVE our Italian Cuisine Cooking Class that we’re hosting on Nov. 27! We will be exploring everything from classic Italian dishes, to delicious salads and desserts. Our class is filling up very fast – call to reserve your spot today!
November is here - bearing all its snowy goodness, but let’s not forget about our cozy crisp fall. October was filled with meeting fabulous people, eating delicious food and learning a thing or two at our Louisiana style cooking demo!
We were also honored to have the Crowned Jewel ladies group book a private Olive Oil 101 tasting event. We decided to make them some guacamole as well as apple cake – if you’re curious about the recipes, check out our website!
On top of that delicious food, at the cooking demo we were able to dive into some Louisiana style ribs, Creole Shrimp and yummy banana’s foster. I think we were all surprised on how simple it was to make such tasty, scrumptious meals!
To sign up for our delightfully fun Cooking Classes or to book a private Olive Oil 101 class, call the store today!