Steinbach Update: Chocolate Class and "Teacher Bev"

February was Valentine’s Day so we felt is was the perfect time to have an Everything Chocolate event.

So glad Helen and Sherry from Decadence Chocolates came out and showed us how to make chocolates in a mold, spicy salted caramel sauce and chocolate ganache that we turned into truffles. Chocolatier Helen Staines also passed on her vast wisdom of the chocolate world and how to properly taste chocolate.

The bonus was we got to sample the delicious chocolates she made using the cayenne oil in the salted caramel that she piped into the chocolate molds. Then she used mango white balsamic in the truffles and topped each truffle with a dried mango piece. The class was a huge hit.

We also had a fun time hosting a group of ladies from the Gateway Church who came for an Olive Oil 101 class at the Steinbach store.

Then at the end of the month owner Bev was able to play “teacher” and teach an Olive Oil 101 class at the Hanover Teacher’s Association Professional Development Day. So 20 teachers signed up to learn about the health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar and also got to sample some of the oils and vinegars and appetizers and fudge. It was a fun afternoon. 

Our March Cooking Class in Steinbach (on Pasta) is completely sold out, however we are looking forward to our Greek Cooking Class on April 10, where Chef Peter Fehr founder of Gourmet Inspirations will be making recipes from our Greek Oil & Vinegar Lovers Cookbook. There are still a few spots left so call the store at 204-326-6457 or click here to sign up online.

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