Black Garlic Balsamic

Black Garlic Balsamic

Regular price $6.50 Sale

This vinegar showcases ample umami, soy, garlic, and a hint of licorice, complementing the cooked grape must. The garlic adds assertiveness to the underlying tannic structure of this balsamic giving complexity and balance to the berries’ acidity and sweetness. The floral diversity is fresh and sharply cleansing, with no residual sweetness. Use in stir fries or as a finishing vinegar, over steamed leafy green vegetables to enhance the vinegar’s aroma – and more!

Oil Pairings:

Chipotle, Cilantro & Red Onion, Lemon, Lime, Harissa, Sesame 


  • marinate chicken or lamb before grilling or roasting
  • brush peaches or pineapples and grill
  • drizzle on hard cheeses or fresh ricotta, or ice cream and berries
  • add to Asian stir fries or marinades