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Toasted Sesame Oil

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants and are extremely rich in beneficial minerals and vitamins. The roasting process brings out a deliciously nutty flavour and gives the extracted oil a beautiful golden colour. The bold and marvellous aroma of our Toasted Sesame Oil is a natural complement to many of our vinegars.

Its smooth yet permeable flavour makes it perfect for marinating meats and veggies, but you won’t want to stop there. Combine it with one of our honey vinegars to glaze seared tofu or to toss sweet potatoes for an amazingly flavorful twist. Regardless of how you choose to combine it, this Toasted Sesame Oil will certainly hit all the right notes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami.

Vinegar Pairings:

All tropical Fruit Vinegars, All Honey Vinegars, as well as Blackberry Ginger, Cherry, Green Apple, Lemongrass Mint


  • stir-fry or drizzle on rice, noodles, sushi, salmon
  • make Asian salad or slaw
  • make peanut sauce or mock teriyaki sauce